
“I know you just want me to be happy”

This is what my Mom said to me. My parents had just gone through an unexpected divorce. To say that it was a trial in our life is an enormous understatement. It rocked our world. It rocked my world. It certainly rocked hers.

My mom and I had spent many hours on the phone talking through the hurt, the hard, and where to go from here. Happy? No, that doesn’t feel big enough for what I wanted for her. I wrestled with her statement. How do I tell her that I wanted much more than just happy for her. I wanted hope, peace, contentment. I wanted her to THRIVE!

And then I realized that was it. I wanted everyone to experience this, my husband, my children, my friends, ME. It’s a bigger word and encompasses much more than just happy. Take a look at the word T.H.R.I.V.E.

T is for Trust.

Remember who you are, and remember who God is. He is in charge of it all. He has you in the palm of His hand. You have to start there. It is foundational for thriving.

H is for Honesty.

Be honest with yourself. What do you need to do. Today. Do you have a job you need to do well? Or maybe you need a job? Do you have a family you need to love and serve? Do you have a marriage you need to tend to? Or do you need to grieve the end of a marriage? You have to get real with yourself about what you actually NEED to do.

R is for Ready.

Now that you know what you need to do, get yourself ready to do that. Tend to your marriage, love on your children, start the grief counseling. Apply for the job. Take the steps needed to do what you need to do.

I is for Identity.

You are a child of God. An image bearer of the one true King! You are worth so much! Own that! Mountains bow down to Him and He loves YOU! He is our shepherd, and He loves His sheep.

V is for Visible.

We were made to be in relationship. We were made for one another. Make sure you are making yourself available for connection. Take the first step if necessary. We all need each other. That is why He gave us the church. Let’s live like we believe that is true.

E is for Enjoy.

Enjoy this one life you have been given. We are but a vapor. And if there is something that is holding you back from enjoying this one life, then you need to go back to H. Be honest. Deal with that. He will meet you there. And you will be one step closer to thriving.

What do you think? Are you THRIVING??


Newborns and Novels